Mar 27, 2023Liked by Rob Schwartz

Seems like you were in my mind with this piece. Must have mentioned VUCA to my team at least 15 times in the past 2 weeks. My message: scenario plan for VUCA. If you plan for it, it takes the bite out of it.

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Great advice. Thanks for reading.

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023Liked by Rob Schwartz

Great take, Rob. I’m reminded of the military term FUBAR (effed up beyond all recognition) that I first encountered in Heller’s masterpiece, Catch-22. The great lesson, and it applies to your piece, is that the best response to the absurdity of the universe is to embrace humor and humanity. That’s the best we can do, and it’s usually enough.

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Catch-22...a perfect book for today’s insanity. Must re-read ASAP. Thanks for the reminder, Doug!

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Cool acronym. The real question is why any of those issues mentioned above are important to our everyday lives? Are we like sails of a boat being directed by the wind with every “news” report, or or are we captains of our ships using that wind to get where we need to go? We must be mindful where we place our attention.

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