Oh wow! I adore Dr. Richard Boyatzis and had no idea he was a rocket scientist when I took “Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence” many moons ago through Case Western/Coursera! He was an incredible teacher with brilliant perspectives (and a rad tie collection.) If anyone is looking for long-form ideas as smart as the 27 list, it’s still up on Coursera!!!
Oh wow! I adore Dr. Richard Boyatzis and had no idea he was a rocket scientist when I took “Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence” many moons ago through Case Western/Coursera! He was an incredible teacher with brilliant perspectives (and a rad tie collection.) If anyone is looking for long-form ideas as smart as the 27 list, it’s still up on Coursera!!!
Thanks for sharing, Kate! Happy New Year!
Smart. I'm going to make a list. Thanks for this post and all the others in 2023, Rob. They truly are helpful.
I’ve got mugs and t-shirts to live up to. Thanks for reading. And Happy New Year!